

This morning i was still asleep. Suddenly a familiar voice came from the outside," Su huang, wake up!!!what's d time now?still sleeping?"I opened my eyes....staring at d ceiling...rubbing my eyes..."oh no!!!XXX.what happen nw?I was so tired...wanna sleep for a while more."
She whispered some bad and startling news to me.I was stupefied with d news.At this moment,my mind was blank.It's jz like dropped to a deep hole.I'm really don't know what should I do now.I hope all the matter will go better.I'm sad now.A mood of melancholy descended on me.I don't want d bad news comes true.God bless me.Don't ever try to grab away the most precious thing in my life.pls...I pray...

1 条评论:

  1. hihi suhuang...found u here!!=)
    so hw's life?i hope everything's fine...
    btw...linked u!!hehe...keep in touch~
